29 thoughts on “07 American Girls

  1. American Girls?

    Can we post U-tubes here?

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      I’ll allow it 🙂

      1. But it seems YouTube won’t. Well, it’s YouTube so what do you expect.

        Just cut and past into a new window.

  2. So,,, been in Facebook Jail much?*

    * Must have been restored on Twitter now that it’s a Free Bird.

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Never been in Facebook jail, but they are content to just throttle and shadow ban anything I share. For instance, my girlfriend never sees anything I post.

  3. In before this hits the new # of comments record!

    Also to kick it off: Major Victory is correct, but working in the wrong direction (this is part of a well-documented cycle) You can see some variance in the steps (although not a lot interestingly), but overwhelmingly it all goes the same way.

    Hmmm… That’s not inflammatory enough: Trump killed Dumbledore!

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      MAGA Magi!

    2. “In before this hits the new # of comments record!”

      Can’t see it beating “Name That Supervillain!” threads. (or you just mean for the real superheroines?)

      1. Maybe the highest # ever! Politic gets people talking!
        Also, this low-key feels like a conformation that this is Grandma Joan.

  4. “We are for violence when it targets people we disagree with!”
    Such a keen phrase. The battlecry of the woke, the patriots, and the soccer moms.
    Interestingly enough, you can treat those groups as iterative. I’m somewhat concerned to see what the next level is. (although I don’t believe civilization will last that long)

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      They are also for freedom of their speech.

      1. Yep. Thank goodness for echo chambers. Those things are basically containment at this point. Didn’t stop the bad guys from wrecking most creative work but…. What’s done is done. At least they’re self-defeating.

        1. And they didn’t get everything. I’ll always be grateful for that.

  5. If Miss Victory is powered by patriotism, when does the hoard of Flag Waving Harley Riders show up?

    Bonus points is the Woke Mob tries to go all Antifa on them and, legally, gets the snot beat out of them.

  6. THIS is what Victory’s up against? I thought things (her contemporaries, mostly) were being exaggerated for laughs but she’s got a seriously hard time…

    Kick their asses!!!

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Yup. Yankee Girl and Liberty Belle! She’s practically a dead woman walking…

  7. Miss Victory seems to be having a spandex problem, Fortunately, that is quite the sports bra. (she should do an ad for them)

    1. Unstable Molecules putting in work!

  8. So I did a search for “american superheroine with flag cape” (?? didn’t everyone) and, well there they were. There were a couple versions of “Yankee Girl” don’t know why the Lauren Mason one was chosen.

    And does that mean “American Maid” will show up?

  9. I have to say, I like the camera team slowly taking Vic’s side. Usually they’re perving out but this fight is pretty brutal. Nice to know they’re not thinking with their dicks all the time.

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      It’s just like Rocky IV!

  10. Is US Angel going to make an appearance? 🙂

    1. Just as long as it’s not Teen Angel. (God, I hate that song!)

  11. Fat calves? Which stick figure said that?

    And she’s old enough to be your grandmother so show some respect!

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      At least they didn’t call them “cankles.”

      1. ??? Thought “cankles” were a Matt, no relation I’m sure, Drudge thing.

        1. mattador5@hotmail.com

          I heard Jack Black explain what cankles were in an interview he was doing for the movie “Shallow Hal.” Which I never saw, but featured Gwyneth Paltrow wearing a fat suit.

  12. WOOOOOOOO!!!

  13. mattador5@hotmail.com

    End of chapter! And it ended with a Boom! Bada-Boom! There will be a couple of days break while I decide what the next chapter will be, but I will upload some new Pin-Ups in the meantime. Enjoy! Live long and prosper!

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