28 thoughts on “09 Double Date

  1. mattador5@hotmail.com

    New Chapter! Here we Gooooooo!

  2. When the source of your super powers is more of a curse.

  3. “The official time was 43 seconds”. 43, not 42. Guess the impact of Hitchhickers Guide is long gone. (time to cry in your towel)

    So I have this image that has earwormed itself into my mind. There is a situation where Kickman keeps kicking Moon Girl to the moon for her own safety, let’s just say a localized mind control just affecting her. Once on the moon her head clears and she returns to the fight only to be kicked to the moon again. Finally Kickman says ” it isn’t safe for you here and I can do this all day-KICK!”. After the fight, whatever it is, is over does the matter of the dating “rules” come up with the “but I wasn’t trying to fight her she’s a Heroine, I just wanted her someplace safe”.

    And then the question comes up, did he defeat her and how does Kickman mess this up?

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Kickman would no doubt say, “YES! I totally defeated her!”

  4. Frankly, you’re not telling who Frank is until the next update are you…

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Let me be Frank with you. Hah! Reversal!

  5. Frank N. Stein III, IV and VII. Princeton, Stanford, Oxford, Heidelberg, Tokyo: parts of him have attended nearly every prestigious university in the world and competed in every major sport, sometimes for both teams at once.

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Yep, my friend Frank is a made man.

    2. Seem to remember Frank N. Stein had a fast food chain. Sold out to A&W for some serious coin if I remember it right. Anyone else remember it?

      1. mattador5@hotmail.com

        I didn’t know about it, but Google confirms its existence… huh…

  6. …Is drunk Frank flammable?

    1. More to the point, is Moon Girl a pushover when drunk? HWUGG!!

      1. Well guessed!!

  7. mattador5@hotmail.com

    That Frank is a real smooth talker. Check him out here: https://youtu.be/80tzyxwElGI
    (2 out of these 3 SNL characters have already appeared in this comic!)

    1. What a 12/10 dude.

  8. You want to hear Frank smooth talking? Here you GO!, if the link works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab7NyKw0VYQ

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com


  9. Flaming Homer = Flaming Disco?

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      The Flaming Homer was a drink from (I think) season 1 of The Simpsons. Although Moe took credit for it and started calling it a Flaming Moe. Lenny set his head on fire with one… https://i.redd.it/g04c27y4erq01.png

  10. OH crikey

  11. Moon Girl might do ok with Frank, if you can trust Young Frankenstein that is. (go to about 1:30)

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      He’s a machine, man!

  12. So is Frank into girls? (Just wondering how this blows up…)

  13. – Frank has no dong
    – Castle burns down
    – Wizards

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      5 Kick Points to Archives for guessing “Frank has no dong!”

  14. Stay tuned to see how this blows up for Moon Girl!
    And place you’re bets how it does.

    1. It was weird as heck that the monster had a tinkle whoopsie banana in the book. Building one without reproductive organs just makes sense!

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