29 thoughts on “06 Wizard War

  1. Nice start. 🙂 Of course, normally, Mary Marvel doesn’t look much different from Mary Batson, but this time?

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      When I was reading the history of Mary Marvel, it said that Mary never got any older when she powered up like Billy did. I’m just going to ignore that and assume that she becomes an older version of herself. So someone with a de-aging app on their phone could probably figure out her secret identity if they knew she were a kid.

      1. Take your best shot! The story isn’t cannon, anyway. 😉

  2. So many odd corners in such a folded saga as that of the Marvels. 🙂

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      It is like folding a fitted sheet.

  3. There seems to be a shortage of recent clever observations, a.k.a. snark, that is deeply missed. Please return to this before I start making my own comments, woeful though they may be.

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      I know you are, but what am I?
      (how’s that)
      I think this scrolling format makes it harder to comment, would be easier if comments could be left at individual panels maybe.

      1. Hard to believe people are stupider than me, based on their oft clever comments.

        As an aside, I just noticed that both lightning bolts were coming from what looks like Merlin’s Castle. (was distracted by other, er, things for a while) Sure looks like Merlin & Shazam are up there together watching the battle in the mud, possibly while having a good mead. That raises the question: What did Dough in Accounting bet on to win This time?

  4. “My rocks of eternity”
    I’m dead xD

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Shazam just wishes he were dead…

  5. Nailed the mead!

    And isn’t the whole point of a fan service mud fight having the mud itself , and nothing else, act as a modesty shield?? Hopefully you were being careful because of the underage Heroine. (I can live with that)

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      She may be underage, but her BODY is adult… ish…

      1. Tell it to the Judge. (heh!)

        And what’s the problem with having “Modesty Mud” covering Mindy’s Jubblies (Jubbly’s? Jubblii like Prii?) to he point you can’t tell if there’s still a top? Seems she wouldn’t mind and it is a fan service mud fight after all…

  6. I was going to ask why Mindy Miracle had bad teeth, then I remembered. It’s because she’s British.

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Right-o! Cheerio!

    2. Looks like Mary’s fixing that

      1. Will she be Gap-Tooth Mindy now or is she likely to get some Bling for the gaps?

        1. mattador5@hotmail.com

          Any bling she tries to get will go away when she “Merlins” her next body swap. She will be Mindy One-Tooth next time she appears… if ever…

  7. Holy cats that ending was perfect!

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      The next logical step would be a Mary Marvel Vs Moon Girl mud match, but that’s probably flying too close to the sun…

      1. It could take place in the sun.

  8. Why hasn’t MerlinOfTheTower commented on a story centering around,er Merlin in his Tower?

    Slacker! We know you read this strip.. 🙂

    1. Probably busy with uh… tower repairs.

      1. mattador5@hotmail.com

        Even though he did take some genital trauma. I think we can all agree that Merlin was the hero of this chapter.

        1. No love for the…
          Did Merlin flip one of the soccer hooligans from the Java letters into a magical champion to one-up the Supergirl/Mary Marvel mud fight!?

    2. Actually I haven’t read this one until the time of this post .

      (It’s true. I read Java and Kickman whenever they update, but the cameramen on this comic annoy me enough that I take some time between readings).

      Matt *as he writes* Merlin is different to the real Merlin. For example, I can do Magic in real life, but there are real-life rules too. Which is probably for the best, because I’m not that kind of Wizard as I was pictured here.

      *grumble grumble public domain character grumble*

      1. Out of curiosity, (and please don’t feel obligated to answer, etc.) do external literary changes effect you in any way?

        1. MerlinOfTheTower

          They effect my image, but my Core Function – to keep that pilot light of Magic lit for the Cunning Art’s return, and to resolve Magical disputes in those dimensions where it has already come back – are unaffected.

          It’s like Santa’s robes being pictured as red since a Coca Cola campaign. The core function remains inviolate, but the thematic and style may shift.

          (And of course I, Merlin, am more real that hoho boy. People believe in Magic all year round, and I’m not constantly begging for some equivalent of ‘Christmas Spirit’ handouts..)

        2. Thanks! (I was wondering how that works. Tbh, it’s a relief.)

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