12 thoughts on “15 Moon V Marvel

  1. Quick turnaround! Thanks Matt.

    This looks good.

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      I aim to please. I can turn around faster than a dreidel.

  2. Aw man, Moon girl doesn’t stand a chance!

  3. Hot Damn! Incoming August General in Iron!!

    1. (mb, Great Ten aren’t public domain)

      1. mattador5@hotmail.com

        Yeah, so we are stuck with the poor man’s great two. Yin and Yang.

        1. Still cool!

  4. Are Yim & Yang’s weapons, if they have them, made of chinesium by any chance?

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Let’s hope Yin’s clothes are…

  5. Great fight scenes! Snappy banter. Some meta jokes. 🙂 Good stuff.

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Glad you like!

  6. This is Silver Age plotting, Matt, the twisty, turny kind where the beautiful woman is a mermaid in a wheelchair, and the sleazy womanizer has a shiny rock for a heart. Go, Matt!

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