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40 thoughts on “11 Prom Queen”
Should have updated his name to Amazon Boy, his cover would be doing drone deliveries…
And isn’t Prom when lots of teenagers get their first heavy dose of “adult beverages”? Fitting a large group of drunk horny teenagers into the story would be hard of course..
Adult beverages? Not on Miss Victory’s watch! Besides, these are all good wholesome kids. Not like the super villain school across town.
Super villain school across town? Sure glad there’s no foreshadowing, or anything, there..
They probably wouldn’t call it a super villain school. Maybe a charter school focusing on alternative education for historically under-privileged youths.
Mysterious Dark Lord
The other ladies taught her to dance??
I’d be more worried about what Miss Fury and Phantom Lady have taught poor Mary about dancing.
See the last couple of panels for what Miss Fury tried to teach her…
A Reader
This sort of reminds me of my Father and Uncle… Meeting the boy at the door, inviting him in where they conveniently have a selection of guns, knifes and other gear in the living room… Being ‘checked’ before a ‘hunting trip’… Along with reminders to be a gentleman, or else they may have to teach him a thing or two about ‘hunted’. Yes, that made for some rather… Interesting evenings (at least until the boy realized that he wasn’t going to end up in an unmarked grave somewhere for a little bit of fooling around.) to say the least.
I always said that if I have a daughter I would have to buy a gun. I would never fire it, I just want to be cleaning it when her date arrives to pick her up.
Mysterious Dark Lord
That poor girl is getting some really really mixed messages.
A Reader
Really, she couldn’t have asked Siri or Google or… Yeah, I get the joke. Now, what kind of condition is her date in? What about the limo and do we even want to guess what the insurance deposit (going to a superhero event) was? I hope he’s okay. I hope she has a wonderful night (Jr. Prom is a VERY important event in the life of a young woman) and maybe, just maybe she’ll get a kiss or two at the end of the night (or maybe a bit more, considering who some of the women in the house are and what they are probably teaching her!).
That kid’s gonna grow up to be a supervillian some day.
What, Wonder Boy? Nonsense. He’s good people.
I guess he does have a trustworthy hair curl.
But we all saw how that turned out with the alien! Floating over us all, sapping humanity’s drive, reminding us every day how small we are… No more I say, never again!
Alien… trustworthy hair curl… Oh! You’re talking about Alf!
Or a lawyer. (is there a difference?)
Functionally I’d say lawyers do more damage. (after Marketeers) It’s an interesting subject because the vast majority of humankind (myself included) is literally incapable of judging themselves as anything other than objectively good. Fascinating read.
I’m wondering if Fantomah will go all cougar on Wonder Boy, after which he will become Wonder Man.
He’s likely legal so it would only be in bad taste….
How IS that dress staying on her? (asking the important questions)
It must be from the Emma Frost collection.
A Reader
+10 for the ‘Emma Frost’ Collection…
Now I’m thinking it’s made of blue painters tape…
A Reader
Aaannnddd… Frost(y) Queen and her ‘all males serve me’ just opened a real can of whoop ass on herself. First off, Mary (despite some people’s thinking) is far from a pushover and I do believe she’s about to get a tad peeved. Not to mention all the other supergirls that are in attendance, suddenly having thier dates dump them? In the middle of the dance?! Yeah, not a good look. Then… There is Fantomah… Just wait until her young suitor suddenly decides he’s going to ignore her… for that cold bitch… (pardon the pun) but I think the unwanted intrusion is soon going to discover that Hell is coming for her and she’s pissed.
You make me want to have some popcorn ready for the next release with all that.
So there is a Sven and a Hans but no Franz?
Has Snow Queen ever compared compared her Power Over Men with Virgo from the Kick-verse?
And: One-thousand one, one-thousand two,…….. (getting the popcorn ready)
Oh yeah, because of [MASSIVE KICKMAN SPOILER], right? I think you’re onto something there!
Well it does seem she has a Big Iron on Her Hip…. (and you’ll never get me, Copper!)
A Reader
I’m thinking that at any minute… Frosty is going to take a moment to gloat… Maybe to ask if Mary has anything left to say… And Mary’s going to give her the… “I’ve got one word for you…” and she’s going to call down the lightning! Then do it again! (Hey, it stopped Superman in his tracks, it’ll stop anyone in their tracks.) since Mary is physically impervious to its effects, she can just stand next to Frosted and well… Melt her down.
I’m also shocked that Fantomah was so easily bested, since she’s a mystical heavy hitter and all. Just saying…
Now, where’s my popcorn and large soda? I do hope I’m right and we get to see Frosty get her that bolt to the … uh… Butt?
Best of all, it has been deemed canon that energy beams and lightning destroys clothing.
A Reader
Well… That was… Anti-climactic to say the least. But then again, there’s still at least one more update for this story… maybe two? But really… A “Steel” anything isn’t Iron. But hey, metallurgy and all that aside… So far, weak solution boys.
Joyce Melton
Steel is an alloy of iron with carbon and other elements, and most steels are 90% iron or more. Pure iron is not very useful, being too soft for most structural uses. It might make a good bra-cup for a superheroine, though. 🙂 Still, steel would be a better choice due to corrosion-resistant alloys being available. Breasts are just big sweat glands and ooze corrosive liquid; pure iron would quickly rust.
“Breasts are just big sweat glands and ooze corrosive liquid”
Eww! We feed babies with those! Well… not “we”
Are Merlin and Shazam! sitting and watching this? (as you know they’d like it….)
She should have listened to Franz rather than Hans. Or better yet, had a Franz to go with her Hans…
(have I beaten this to death yet?)
A Reader
This is what happens when you don’t make sure that ‘Franz und Hanz are there to… Pump you up!’ … God, see what happens? The internet means nothing ever dies! LOL!
I will say, I like this twist better than the whole ‘iron/steel bra routine’… And i don’t think you should steal so many ‘victories’ from Mary, she’s a legit hero type lady (unlike some of her housemates which may or may not be so uh… Heroic? all the time?) and deserves to have her own wins with her own power(s) and such. Each of the ladies in the house has to do SOMETHING right once in a while and not rely on cheap Mcguffin type twists to solve the situation. I mean, really… After legit beating the Snow Queen, this could have ended with the same twist and gotten the same giggle!
So, I give it an 8 out of 10. (nice save by the way)
“(unlike some of her housemates which may or may not be so uh… Heroic? all the time?) ”
I’m pretty certain they are “Heroic” in those other times. Just ask Tarzan for example.
A Reader
LOL! Okay, example well taken! ROFL! Thank you for that!
It’s murder on the dance floor!
Horny teenagers +Fairy Wine spiked punch bowl= greatest night of their lives
If only someone had predicted this!