28 thoughts on “10 Keeping It Real

  1. Good to see Chicago has earned a reputation again. (It’s a 1920’s throwback!)

    And will there be more scruff action?

  2. Nakatomi Apt.? Does John McClane live there, or Hans Gruber?

    And where the #%&*! are more commentors?

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      That’s not even the only Easter egg on that panel… 🙂

      1. I’ll muscle in on “6th and Liefield”!

        1. mattador5@hotmail.com

          Right-O! Now, go back and check on the name of the bridge that the Swedish model bus was trapped on.

        2. Sod! That’s the Necrid guy!!!

    2. Well Blush just tore off Virgo’s leg thingies in Kickman and um…
      What is the downside of an alien invasion? Worst case they’ll reduce our identities to numbers and force us to slave away for our betters in small plastic cubes. But that’s just being an American! (and really, having my own cube would be an improvement)

      1. mattador5@hotmail.com

        Downside? The probes.

      2. Worst case is closer to “To Serve Man”

        1. I’ll have you all know I’m delicious

  3. Hm. Inspired by X-Morph: Defence?

  4. Liiiittle nervous about clicking on that vote incentive now.

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Ooh, good idea! Time to change the Vote Incentive poster!

  5. Some random thoughts:
    Murder Cat is not a believable name. Sure I had a cat that was “Black Angel of Death” and one of our current cats is “Death That Walks” but those are earned titles not their actual names. By the way, Death That Walks has quite the kill count already.

    When will we see what Miss Fury is up to with those “violent domestics”?

    What is Dave (of accounting?) seeing that we are not smart enough to see? Can’t be a movie. Maybe a Zero-Carbon protest gone horribly wrong?

    Not going to say what that Warbot Arm Sheena pulled off looks like but it’s sure not a salt shaker….

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Murder Cat is actually my friend’s cat in Portland. Named by our other friend’s daughter. 🙂
      I’m sure Miss Fury is super busy right now.
      Dave is a camera operator. You must mean DOUG in accounting. I know, we can’t attach faces to the names so it’s harder to keep track of who’s who in the chatter stream. Maybe they should have Gravatars attached to their comments…
      Holy Crikey! These may not be Warbots at all, but LOVE-bots!

      1. I’ve -always- thought Aliens would have a better chance at it if they sent their hottest (to Earthlings) celebrities.

        1. Their hottest? Well Zuckerberg didn’t work out so well for them. (or was it Data they sent? I’m confused there…)

        2. I was thinking of an advance force along the lines of Twi’leks, Andorians, and Twilight characters. Although now that I’ve typed this and am thinking about it… there -is- an industry right now based around making sort-of-these. Much in the way that Hollywood (and a surprising amount of American soft power) revolves around the concept of “white women” the new facsimile human industry may… will probably re-write…
          remove the lever previously used to
          The human synthetic industry is going to eliminate celebrities- I never noticed until right now.

  6. Now I’m really wondering what Miss Fury is up to, and Murder Cat for that matter.

    Also, Phantom Lady’s bust size seems to change in different frames. Keeping it consistent would either increase readership or the likely hood of being banned. (am I the only one to notice?)

    1. Easter egg? Comic artists occasionally up the busts of the characters they’re drawing (as a gag).
      (iirc) A power girl artist managed to keep going for nearly a year and a half before he was caught!

      1. mattador5@hotmail.com

        Yes, Power Girl and the magical increasing bust size was a comic trope. Phantom Lady in her current form is actually owned by DC Comics. One of the comics I read with her in it, a male character actually just told her, “You’d give Power Girl a run for her money,” while ogling her cleavage. So, yeah, Phantom Lady = major boobage. Although, if her boobs get smaller in some frames that’s more a “Matt’s not that consistent an artist” issue…

  7. …Where’s Molly?

    1. mattador5@hotmail.com

      Hah! (Alf style). 5 fortune-telling Kick Points for Archives for asking “Where’s Molly?” right before I dropped that last batch of panels. You would do Doug proud.

  8. If this is the last Superheroines episode can there be a postscript of Murder Cat climbing that same tree and getting in the birds nest? (Likely being pecked by the parents) That is likely why that “brutal assassin” climbed the tree in the first place.

    1. And if it’s not the end of Real Superheroines: Murder cat for recurring villain! (Hey, Kamen Rider did it.)

      1. mattador5@hotmail.com

        There’s a YouTube video on it. Search for “Mary Marvel helps cat murder bird family.” It’s second in popularity to her “Mud Monster” fight with Supergirl…

    2. Okay so first question is: How did you do that? And second: Can I hand you a target list?

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